Evento Wellmade

Stefania Barsoni has been working for years in the field of cultural heritage and artistic cratsmanship enhancement. Graduated in Languages and Literature of the Far East at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, her background is a blend of foreign languages and cultures, art history and tourism.

Since 2008, she has been working for Villa Fabris, an association that continues the legacy of the Centro Europeo per i Mestieri del Patrimonio (European Center for Heritage Crafts), an institution founded in Venice in 1976, thanks to the initiative of the European Council. Villa Fabris enhances and promotes the dissemination of the ancient crafts and the conservation of cultural heritage through the professional training of key players of this field at an international level.

Stefania Barsoni is responsible for general sacretariat and international relations for Villa Fabris, and mainly for training projects, historical spaces management and different initiatives in collaboration with schools, with the aim of enhancing Italian excellences and traditional know-how, in order to hand down this knowledge to the youngest generations.

Stefania Barsoni represents Villa Fabris at Tavolo Nazionale dell’Artigianato Artistico (National Artistic Craftsmanship Round Table) and FEMP – Federazione Europea per i Mestieri del Patrimonio (European Federation for the Heritage Crafts) a not for profit organization that promotes crafts skills in the conservation and restoration sector. She works as an advisor for the artistic craftsmanship and tourism sector of Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza, the organization that represents crafts businesses and enterprises in Vicenza.
She is part of the experts committee of Restoration and conservation of the “MAM – Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere”, awarded by Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte.


Bottega Artigiana Tappeti

A triumph of colourful threads

Caterina Scartozzoni’s extraordinary knowledge of ancient and modern rugs processing and dyeing techniques is the core of her trade, specializing ...

Caterina Scartozzoni’s extraordinary knowledge of ancient and modern rugs processing and dyeing techniques is the core of her trade, specializing in restoring and preserving these evocative and fascinating textile artefacts. A triumph of colourful threads draws us into the enchanted world of weaving and travelling, discovering all the cultural and creative expressions that, intertwining like knots on a loom, give life to unique artefacts. Caterina’s expert and skilled hands carry out interventions aimed at integrating, thickening and sometimes even transforming traditional rugs with the same passion they attest to.


Marco Ziviani

The shape of creativity

Wood carving, nowadays a rare art, is a traditional craft that emphasizes skilled handiwork and creativity. Marco Ziviani shapes wood in a way that ...

Wood carving, nowadays a rare art, is a traditional craft that emphasizes skilled handiwork and creativity. Marco Ziviani shapes wood in a way that enhances the material, with great mastery and passion. Step by step, quickly switching gouges in his hands, Marco carves and defines volumes, enriching each creation with many details, keeping the charm and uniqueness of ancient trades alive in today’s world.


Mauro Patrini

Mastery in the hands

While watching Mauro preparing the mixtures for stucco marmo (scagliola), it’s the mastery of his hands that charms you first, followed by the ...

While watching Mauro preparing the mixtures for stucco marmo (scagliola), it’s the mastery of his hands that charms you first, followed by the contagious enthusiasm, passion and joy he exudes as the work proceeds and acquires its shape. With his free and captivating spirit, Mauro gives an artistic and innovative touch, full of charm and vitality, to the act of transmitting artisanal knowledge to younger generations.