In the early 20th century, the cavalry officer Federico Caprilli, who was experimenting with a new horse mounting system (the so-called natural system), asked Adolfo Pariani to design a kind of saddle that could comply with it. Soon, the new product was greatly appreciated, and Caprilli’s system proved to be revolutionary, as his cadets started winning competitions both in Italy and abroad, giving birth to Selleria Pariani’s story.
The story has been lasting for over a century now, and is about countless awards, excellence recognition, and trophies won by horse cavalryman and collaborating professionals. Also, nobility, kings, rulers and celebrities worldwide loved Pariani: from Guccio Gucci to Giovanni Agnelli, from Ronald Reagan to Queen Elizabeth, from fashion designer Valentino to Andrea Bocelli …
Today, the company is run by President Aurelio Mutinelli and his children, Carlo and Caterina. In Milan’s workshop, skilled craftsmen are now creating high-end, handmade saddles with a passionate care for details and research for new solutions, between design and new materials.
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