Evento Wellmade

Andrea Monzino is representative of the eighth generation of the family that controls Monzino, the homonym group that since 1750 continues the great tradition in the world of musical instruments.
He is active in the Group as a Director of Fondazione Antonio Carlo Monzino (www.fondazioneacmonzino.it/en), founded in 1999 with the donation of part of the family collection of antique instruments to the Museum of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan, whose statutory mission is to spread learning music since childhood, as an irreplaceable educational component in our education for the function that knowledge of the language and practice of music can play in cognitive development and behavior of the person.
The following projects are born from these aims: Adotta uno Strumento (Adopt an Instrument), free lending of high-quality antique instruments from the Monzino Collection to young and promising musicians; Musica in Carcere (Music in Prison), the donation of musical instruments and music lessons for the prisoners; and Le Mani Sapienti (The Skillful Hands), a cultural, pedagogical and educational project on the art of violin making and music, dedicated to schools and families.


Antonio Marchese

A young, highly skilled and reliable master

Antonio Marchese is a young and skilled master luthier: he makes modern and plucked instruments, and replicates ancient instruments as well. He ...

Antonio Marchese is a young and skilled master luthier: he makes modern and plucked instruments, and replicates ancient instruments as well. He stands out for his skills, reliability and helpfulness.


Julia de Lucca

Expertise and integrity

Julia de Lucca is a master luthier with an extensive experience in the restoration and repair of string instruments. We often commission her repairs ...

Julia de Lucca is a master luthier with an extensive experience in the restoration and repair of string instruments. We often commission her repairs and works on the instruments of the Monzino collection, since we trust her skills and integrity.


Martino Quintavalla

Talent and creativity

Martino is a young luthier gifted with uncommon creativity and insight. During his training he gained great mastery over materials, thus becoming ...

Martino is a young luthier gifted with uncommon creativity and insight. During his training he gained great mastery over materials, thus becoming very skilled in processing them. He has been able to turn his great passion for lutherie into his profession, which is perhaps why one of his distinctive qualities is the continuous search for innovation.