Evento Wellmade

Nurye Donatoni is an expert in artistic and traditional crafts. She is the director of MAV – Museo dell’Artigianato Valdostano di tradizione. In addition, she is currently (2023) carrying out a research project for Fondazione Cologni on the mapping of rare and endangered crafts in Italy.

She has been working at the MAV since its foundation in 2008, when she was immediately involved in drawing up its guidelines, collection organisation and displays. Since 2009, the year of its opening, she has been directing the museum and defining its cultural programming, together with a solid team she has been working with for years. In 2022, he also oversaw the redesign of the museum space, following a museological and museographic study aimed at proposing new reflections on local craftsmanship.

Throughout her career, she has curated the musealisation of Maison Musée Berton (La Thuile), contributed to the creation of the temporary exhibition space MAIN – Maison de l’Artisanat International (Gignod), and organised numerous exhibitions throughout the Aosta Valley region.
Since 2009, he has participated in the “Tavolo Nazionale per l’Artigianato Artistico” (National Board of Artistic Craftsmanship), formed by the main bodies in Italy that promote and enhance artistic crafts, including the signatories of the International Charter of Artistic Craftsmanship.
Since 2010, he has been a member of the jury for various regional craft competitions (such as “Mostra Concorso e Fiera di Sant’Orso”, and other initiatives) and since 2017 he has been a member of the commission of experts for the wood and furniture category of the “MAM – Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere (Master of Arts and Crafts), an accolade awarded by Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte to great master crafters; and of the commission of “Fatti ad Arte” and MATRES events.