La Fucina di Efesto was created in 1997 in the Bovisa district, the lively university centre of Milan’s Politecnico. The district is located within the ancient walls of a barn that had belonged to the Benedictine Order, dating back to 1624.
Today, this place is a crossroads of traditions, innovative techniques and creativity. There, designing and realising new works unfold in a well-organised space, and all tools recall a nearly forgotten savoir-faire.
Inside La Fucina di Efesto, metal sculpture qualifies as a research activity. This is due to the fact that sculpture endows matter and its transformation principles with a visible and tangible form. The sculpting process applied to metal, especially iron, explores uncharted pathways toward a technical and creative research.
Their enthusiasm for studying matter, as well as their strong wish to apply it to sculpture and design lead Alessandro Rametta, Nicolò Mulazzani and Andrea Capriotti to explore a wide variety of experimental pathways.
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