The Morassi are a family of luthiers from Cremona: they are the creators of some of the most prestigious contemporary instruments in the world. Gio Batta Morassi believes that the relaunch of the great Cremonese tradition is only possible through experimental research and innovation. For this reason, he has always been committed to his profession and to the promotion through education of the culture of violinmaking. In 1980, he founded the Associazione Liuteria Italiana (A.L.I.), which gathers the best Italian master luthiers.
Today his son Simeone Morassi, currently president of the A.L.I. Luthiers and Bow Makers Group, and his nephew Giovanni Battista carry on their master’s legacy. They both developed a passion for this craft learning from him, became skillful artisans and even won international contests.
The musical instruments are created with a certain methodological rigour, but always reveal the creator’s sensitivity. The workshop attracts musicians and collectors from all over the world.
Photo credit: Dario Garofalo –