products: rings, sacred art, jewels, sculptures
Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte
Promotion of artisanal talent and quality productionThe OMA (Observatory on Artistic Craftsmanship) is the Association among the Foundations (related to, or originated by, banks) which develops initiatives of a cultural and promotional nature aimed at raising awareness, information, research and conservation of the identity of local and national artistic craftsmanship. Its mission is to enhance and promote the sector of fine craftsmanship and to create a national and European network of institutions to foster understanding of the different cultural identities and to boost the quality of production, the craft economy and training. “OmA” magazine is the tool to analyze the themes of artistic crafts and its traditions, but also to show the best achievements in Italy and abroad. OmA’s initiatives range from publishing books to organizing exhibitions and cultural events as well as identifying projects, and establishing ad hoc scholarships and fellowships.
The Association oversees training initiatives in order to create new and concrete opportunities of cultural exchange and growth for the aspiring future artisans. The OmA® brand has its roots in the experience of researchers in and practitioners of fine craftsmanship. The brand recognizes the genius of craftspeople and the quality of the individual workshop and its workmanship. OmA’s ceramic plaque and certificate of quality are displayed at the OmA-affiliated shops, workshops, and firms. The brand of artisanal virtuosity and quality production has a network of certified artisans throughout Italy.
Photo credit: Alessandro La Banca
products: rings, sacred art, jewels, sculptures
services: haute couture, design
products: handbags, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, cushions, earrings, brooches, decorations, curtains
services: haute couture, decoration, design, exhibition, bespoke
products: candles, perfumes, air fresheners, soaps